Monday, November 22, 2010

NEW MUSIC: Sleigh Bells x DRAG

As a student of Music, listening to Sleigh Bells I was blown away. 
Their mixes of House (Club), Hip-Hop, and Pop are amazing. I
noticed a few of their songs had spaces with no vocals on them. I
thought of the idea on Thursday and finished the EP on Sunday night.
Thank You to Sleigh Bells and artists like them that continue to push
the envelope and create great music.




Unknown said...

This is honestly some dope sh!t. I hope you sent it to Sleigh Bells.

PenDragon said...

It's kinda hard to find actual information on them. I know they are on MIA's label I found there manager too but no actual emails. Im'ma press a couple hard copies and send them out. Hit a couple indie blogs up about it too

Unknown said...

That's what up, I wiki'd them, I want to hear it now, it's on my list, my very loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng list, lol.

PenDragon said...

They are interesting. Yeah my list is pretty long too.