1. Why is it that we may receive several feet of Snow but only several inches of Rain? Seeing as how snow is just rain but a different temperature, it seems that snow falls more steadily and abundantly. Granted, snow is packed on top of itself, but it seems like 2 feet of snow would melt down to maybe at least 5 inches of water.
2. The saying goes "Heat Rises," so why is it that the higher you go in the atmosphere the colder it gets?
His Response....
Snow isn't just rain at a different temperature, snow is crystals that form in subfreezing temperatures and each one is different . The moisture available, the air temperature, the wind, all make flakes different. One inch of rain will typically yield about ten inches of snow through this natural unique process.They are two very different things. The heat rises is true, but as one goes higher in the atmosphere the air gets thinner and less capable of holding heat, thus the temperature falls approximately 3 degrees for each 1000 feet in elevation. On a day when it's a hot 90 degrees out , at 30,000 feet where big thunderstorms are typically located, it's a subfreezing zero degrees!! Hence hail can fall from summer storms on a hot day!! Hope that helps..Thanks for watching..Bob Turk
WHATTTTTTTT!!!! Bob dropping jewels!
1 inch of rain = 10 inches of snow
-3 degrees for every 1000 ft. in the air
Not only were my questions answered the same day, but they were very informative as well. Let's see if the other stations catch up.
Talkin Bout Bob Turk...Bob Turk -- it's an old commerical
you aint know that yo? lol
You NERRRRRRRRD!!!! lol, but that was informative as hell though, good question.
Of course, he isn't a meteorologist...
Oh, and I'm trying to figure out how old he is. Does anyone know?
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