This nigga. Terius Nash can write hits for other people all day no problem, but how come his albums never amount to any significant sales? His 1st album
LOVE HATE had the single "Shawty Is Da Shit" and it went gold. His next album
Love Vs Money only sold a little over 331,000 copies and had hits like "Rockin' That Shit" and "Walkin On The Moon." His latest album
Love King debuted at #3 with 47,058 copies sold. Is it his Bitchassness that people can't get with? Who wears a Pink Suit to the Grammy's??? Who says that they set-up a Federal Sting for Music Pirates (Ahrrrr!!) and then the next day say that you didn't really do it, only after hearing the backlash that it was receiving. Is it because his voice is super annoying? Is it that he is very effeminate? Is it all of these things? Who knows.
A -- Ella Ella
He's so hit or miss, and he releases all the good stuff anyway. His albums are mostly filler other than the singles. And he has the awesome ability to make songs that sound the same, so uhhh...other than that, I like his music, his first 2 albums makes 1 GREAT album!!!
its like i dont even kno he good either way cuz The Dream still good whether he sells or not.But think he just dont promote himself like he should
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