I was half amped to see this movie. I can remember reading an issue of Wizard magazine back in the late 90's and it had a feature about who should star in the Watchmen Movie if they ever made one. Aside from that encounter I can't say that I am entirely knowable about the Watchmen or their world. But hey a superhero movie comes around and damn right I want in. Looking past the 2 hour and 34 minute play time I'm sitting there kinda like "I know something is gonna happen soon." And guess what...nothing really ever happens. This movie is more of a political what if, then a superhero adventure. The ending was pretty lame as well. One of those "well I guess we have to end it ," kinda endings. Rorschach's the best character in the whole damn movie everybody else has additional motives, but his are truly to fight and stop crime..and his mask is cool.
If we are being watched by them....We're all screwed!!
If we are being watched by them....We're all screwed!!